Get Started

Schedule a free, 15 minute consultation by sending a message or checking my availability below, and you will receive a response within 24 hours or by the next business day.

  • In just a brief phone call, share your main concerns while we determine together if I am a good match for your child's needs.

  • Counseling/therapy are at 50 minute sessions. I offer a limited number of reduced fee sessions. Evaluations are quoted at a flat fee. My aim is to offer excellent value without compromising on the quality of service. A quote will be provided at your free consultation.

    I cannot guarantee you will receive reimbursement, as it varies widely across insurance providers. Check out the FAQ for tips on what to ask your insurance.

    I provide a Good Faith Estimate if you're not using insurance to avoid any surprises. Our transparent policy ensures all expected fees are listed in the Informed Consent forms you sign before starting services

  • I can provide telehealth for adolescents living in California as determined on a case by case basis.

Office Location:

3848 W. Carson Street,

Suite 307

Torrance, CA. 90503

Across the street from the Del Amo Fashion Center, behind Seiwa Market and Chick-fil-A


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